Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

Understanding the liver and its functions



Or liver (hepatic) is the largest gland in the human body weighs about 2 kg, crimson located on the right side of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm (diaphragm).heart is orga excretion as bile (bilus) which contains the remainder of an overhaul of erythrocytes in the spleen. 

Liver function among others to store sugar in the form of glycogen; regulate blood sugar levels; where the formation of urea and ammonia; offers / neutralize toxins; formed vitamin A and provitamin A; place of manufacture of fibrinogen and prothrombin.Hearts coated thin membrane called the membrane of the liver (hepatitis kapsula). Hearts obtain blood through the veins pulse hepatitis liver and portal vein. liver composed by liver cells are clustered to form lobula.

 Lobula lubula between one and the other are separated by spaces lacunae. The cells in the liver are functioning remodel old erythrocytes have histiocytes. Hemoglobin (Hb) erythrocytes will be broken down into hemin, Fe and globin.Hemin is converted into bile pigment bilirubin and biliverdin. bilirubin is oxidized to urobilin are yellow-brown and colored feces and urine. Fe stored in the liver, and then returned to the bone marrow.

 Globin protein metabolism will be used for longer or used to form new hemoglobin. bile duct may be blocked by a buildup of cholesterol gallstones form a precipitate.This blockage causes bile can not enter into the intestine, but it makes the blood kealiran.

 As a result, the blood becomes yellow to yellowish yamng people experiencing this condition is called jaundice

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